The ICC has been set-up at Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Engineering & Technology with the aim of providing women an appropriate complaint mechanism against unwelcome sexually determined behavior whether directly or by implication according to ‘The Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013’. On 13th August 1997, the Supreme Court of India held that sexual harassment of women is a violation of the fundamental right of women to work in a safe environment.
The Supreme Court has defined ‘sexual harassment’ to include any one or more of the following acts or behavior (whether directly or by implication), namely:
- Physical contact and advances;
- Demand or request for sexual favors;
- Sexually oriented remarks
- Showing pornography
- Use of electronic media (phone, internet, intranet) for perpetrating any of the above
- Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature
The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation to or connected with any act or behavior of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment:
- Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in employment;
- Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in employment;
- Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status;
- Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her;
- Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
Often such behavior goes unpunished because of hesitation on the part of women to report such behavior out of a sense of shame or fear or both. It is important for women to protest against any behavior that they feel is unwanted and unacceptable.
Who can approach ICC for help?
Any female employee (faculty, student or staff) of Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Engineering & Technology, Lohgaon, Pune
What should you do if you are sexually harassed?
- Do not feel ashamed. Tell the harasser very clearly that you find his behavior offensive.
- Do not ignore the harassment in the hope that it will stop on its own. Come forward and complain to ICC.
- Talk to somebody you trust about the harassment (preferably to ICC). It will not only give you strength but also help others in similar situations to come forward and complain.
- Keep a record of all incidents of sexual harassment. If you feel the need to register a formal complaint later, this record will be helpful.
- Most importantly, the victim must never blame herself for the harassment.
What are the possible actions that can be taken against the respondent?
- Warning
- Written apology
- Bond of good behavior
- Adverse remark in the Confidential Report
- Stopping of increments/promotion
- Suspension
- Dismissal
- Any other relevant actions
All Complaints Should be sent to [email protected]
Your complaint will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.
Internal Complaint Committee(ICC) Details |
Name of the Committee Member | Profession | Associated with | Mobile Number | E-mail address | Designation | Gender |
Bhagyashree Dhakulkar | Chair Person | DYPSOET | 9922928565 | [email protected] | HOD | Female |
Yogini Somvanshi | Member | DYPSOET | 7420038837 | [email protected] | Non Teaching Faculty | Female |
Lovely Pnadey | Student | DYPSOET | 9503319979 | [email protected] | Student | Female |
Niranjan Shegolar | Member | DYPSOET | 9975140257 | [email protected] | Associate Professor | Male |
Kunal Mundkar | Member | DYPSOET | 9096204297 | [email protected] | Non Teaching Faculty | Male |
Radha Adte | Member | DYPSOET | 9518550561 | [email protected] | Non Teaching Faculty | Female |
Mayur Patil | Student | DYPSOET | 9689870501 | [email protected] | Student | Male |
Ankiet Galgate | Student | DYPSOET | 9833435248 | [email protected] | Student | Male |